We believe everyone can benefit from work, regardless of their circumstances - and therefore everyone should be offered the right type of support, at the right time for them, so they can realise their potential.

Our teams of experienced Key Workers offer one-to-one support, co-producing career plans with their customers that encourage high aspirations and the opportunity to gain the skills necessary to make their aspirations a reality.

We believe in helping people to make lasting changes to their lives, and that work that is both economically and personally rewarding can be one of the foundations of a happier, healthier life. Often this means helping people to overcome, or better manage, a variety of often complex challenges.

We also offer an integrated service to local authorities, embedding our Key Workers into Early Help Services - ensuring that employment is part the support offer available to residents.

It is our “whole person” approach to supporting individuals to find work that offers employers the opportunity to recruit committed employees with a broader appreciation of the benefits of work.

Working in partnership with organisations and businesses from the public, private, community and voluntary sectors, we are committed to improving people's lives and making a difference to the areas in which we operate.