Aarron is Supported by IPES into a Job that Fits His Life Like a Glove

  • Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Aarron Quote
  • The Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES) programme provides bespoke support to people with disabilites.
  • The programme focuses on moving them into sustained employment.
  • Find out how we helped Aarron find the right role for his condition.

Aarron, based in Hyde, was looking for work. He had been having trouble finding a role that suited him, as he has multiple complex health conditions and learning difficulties. Finding a role that wasn’t too taxing on his body was proving tough. He was referred to Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES) through his Job Centre Plus, and this is when things started to change.

After meeting with our team, Aarron worked closely with his Key Worker, Maurice, to identify the best path forward, to increase his skillset and get him closer to work, while also being aware of his limits. Aarron had a keen interest in becoming a Civil Enforcement Officer after hearing about the role from the GC Employment Engagement Team, and we got him ready by helping him to prepare his CV and practice his job interview skills.

An interview for a civil enforcement officer role was arranged for Aaron at NSL, an outsourced business services provider who the Growth Company have worked with for over 10 years. Aarron performed well at his interview. He presented himself immaculately and impressed the interviewers with his level of knowledge and awareness of the job role and company.  However, due to Aarron’s complex needs and challenges with his confidence, NSL and The Growth Company felt that it would be beneficial for him to attend the Civil Enforcement Officer SWAP programme (a comprehensive short course that gives people active experience in the role). As part of this programme he would have another interview to attend at the end of the process, which would give him the opportunity to demonstrate his enhanced confidence and knowledge and awareness, including the practical skills needed for the role.

Aarron took on the course, and then undertook his second interview, and he excelled. With the support of the Employer Engagement team alongside NSL, it was decided that rather than Aaron working in the city centre, he may benefit from working in a smaller, more local branch in Tameside that may be able to provide more one-to-one support to accommodate his needs and help him make a better transition back into employment. Everyone agreed that initially working part-time was the best solution for all involved, with a view to increase the hours when Aarron felt ready to do so.

Aarron was offered a role as a Civil Enforcement Officer, well-earned after all of his hard work and dedication.  He currently works 16 hours per week, and the employer is working with Aarron to provide flexibility around work hours and times. NSL are so impressed with Aarron that they are hoping he will one day be a full-time member of one of their teams, should his health allow him to do so. We spoke with Aarron to ask him about how he feels about his future. He told us:

“I think my future career is in a good light. Good because management loves me, and so does the rest of the team. They understand my disabilities and do as much as possible to help me  I’m planning on sticking with 2 days a week for now as I do enjoy it. I’ve learned that even with my conditions, I can still find a job I love.”

Help is out there to help you find a job role that works for you- and with Intensive Personalised Employment Support, you can find a job that interests you and respects your limits. Speak with your job coach today about what support is available for you.

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The Growth Company is an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to generate growth, create jobs, and improve lives. We provide employment services across Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Get in touch today to find out more.