Recovery Works: Just Ask Roy

  • Friday, September 6, 2024
  • Recovery Works is a charity that aims to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the North of England, including those with several complex issues – including addiction, mental ill health, homelessness, and substance dependency.
  • The programme supports over a thousand people to access assistance each year.
  • Find out how it helped Roy.

Recovery Works supports thousands of people each year in the North of England, helping them recover from substance dependency and take steps towards rebuilding their confidence, skills, and employment prospects.

Roy is one of those who has benefited from such support.

Roy’s Story

Roy had been unemployed for several years when he was referred to Recovery Works in early 2021, in large part due to the effects of long-term heroin use and resulting periods of depression and anxiety.  

Despite these challenges, Roy was eager to continue his recovery, with a view to returning to full-time work. When he first met his Recovery Works adviser, he was seeking information, advice, and guidance on potential employment opportunities.

He was also interested in enrolling on relevant skills and training courses, not only to boost his job prospects, but also to establish a routine and improve his self-confidence.

To this end, Roy attended weekly guidance sessions with his adviser, and began building a new CV, as well as discussing employability, transferrable skills, and personal development. The pair also investigated possible vocational training options and activities that might benefit Roy’s mental health.

It quickly became apparent that one of Roy’s biggest barriers was a lack of a regularly accessible internet connection. This made it very difficult for him to effectively search and apply for jobs online and access various services – an important factor in today’s hyper-connected digital world. To solve this problem, Roy’s adviser referred him to the Salvation Army, who provided him with the relevant device and internet access.

His adviser helped Roy to access other forms of support, including mental health, benefits, clothing, and training assistance. Roy also attended Recovery Works training courses at Nightingales, gaining five qualifications in subjects as diverse as mathematics, English, adult social care, mental health awareness, and mentoring.

Roy worked with the programme for six months, all while continuing his treatment and recovery. During the same period, he found a role as a trainee retail manager in the Wirral.

Speaking some weeks after he started his new job, Roy was adamant that Recovery Works can make a positive difference to individuals and their communities: “Work is going really well.  It was the great training opportunities provided through Recovery Works, required in nearly all the job vacancy adverts I applied for, that have made the major difference to my prospects.

“When the programme sorted me out with an internet connection all the pieces fell together.  I'm just glad to be getting back to a normal life.

“A few years ago, I would bump into other service users and nearly all had no direction. Now, I meet up with service users who smile and tell me about the courses they have completed through Recovery Works.

“The programme deserves credit because its methods work.”

Recovery Works

Recovery works is a charity which helps improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in society.

It facilitates positive change within local and wider communities by building on assets already present and add value through our specialist services, in partnership with a range of statutory and voluntary organisations across the North of England.

Visit the Recovery Works website to find out more.

The Growth Company

The Growth Company is an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to generate growth, create jobs, and improve lives.

We help people and businesses across the UK to develop, grow and succeed through a range of employment, skills and business support services. We provide employment, justice, and health services across Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Contact us today to find out more.