Employer Support: Looking After Your Employees’ Health and Wellbeing

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GCE Employer Campaign Social 169
  • The Growth Company offers a wide range of services designed to help employers support their employees' health and wellbeing needs.
  • Prioritising staff wellbeing creates a safe and supportive environment, while promoting long-term employment, staff retention, and productivity.
  • All our services are free and tailored to suit individual needs.

As an employer, prioritising the health and wellbeing of your team is crucial for a productive and supportive work environment, especially during challenging times.

From supporting employees returning to work to implementing workplace adjustments, the Growth Company offers a range of free services designed to help you and your staff overcome barriers to work.

What Support Is Available?

Our employer support services provide a range of information, advice, and guidance to help you and your team thrive. We can support employees with health conditions or disabilities, aid those at risk of sick leave by working closely with health professionals, and help employees return to work after long periods of absence.

This support can ensure that employees stay in, return to, or excel in the workplace.

What’s more, we can also co-develop and implement workplace adjustment plans and provide staff with access to a comprehensive assistance programme and wellbeing guidance.

We can also identify potential training opportunities for you and your employees and provide signposting to specialist services, making sure that everyone gets the support they need.

Why Prioritise Employee Health and Wellbeing?

Focusing on health and wellbeing support offers numerous benefits to both employees and employers. A supportive environment significantly enhances overall employee welfare and morale. By linking health needs with career aims, we can promote long-term employment and motivation, ensuring that employees can succeed in their roles.

Creating a positive and encouraging work environment is also an important factor in reducing absenteeism and recruitment costs, which in turn produces a more efficient and productive workplace. Prioritising employee wellbeing also demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility, showcasing your dedication to the prosperity of your team and the wider community.

All our services are free and tailored to meet individual needs.

Get support for you and your employees today by contacting us on:

Website: Employer Support

Phone: 0161 237 4451

Email: gcsupportservices@gcemployment.uk

The Growth Company

The Growth Company is an award-winning social enterprise with a 30-year history of enabling growth, creating jobs, and improving lives. We help people and businesses to develop, grow, and succeed through a range of employment, skills, and business support services. We provide employment, justice, and health services across the North of England and beyond.

Contact us today to find out more.