• Community Involvement
  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Improving and maintaining physical health
  • Family relationships incl. positive parenting
  • Creating new social networks


All of our programmes are based on the principles of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, (Give, Connect, Keep Learning, Be Active and Take Notice) and are delivered in community venues across the Northwest and Yorkshire & The Humber, with the option to participate online if preferred and appropriate.

We work with men on a group and one-to-one basis to build resilience and confidence and positive self-image. For those referred for our Social Inclusion Mentoring Service , we will work with them prior to their release from custody to put plans in place to ensure a smooth transition through the gate and onwards into the community.

Our Key Working team bring a wealth of experience from diverse backgrounds. They have worked in both custodial and community settings and have a passion to support service users to progress and achieve personal goals and aspirations. We have built close relationships with partner agencies nationally and locally and are able to refer for specialist support when appropriate.

We are here to enable People on Probation to realise their aspirations, successfully engage with their Probation Practitioners and complete their licence period, while also leaving them best placed to move forward with their lives. We will provide a clear plan to achieve their personal objectives.

My participant attended his appointment with PSO looking much improved. He confirmed that he feels better and stated that this is down to his keyworker from the Growth Company. He feels that he is able to work with her and compared her to the MH worker at his GPs who calls every so often and tells him what he needs to do without actually providing any guidance, practical advice or working with him.”

Probation Practitioner National Probation Service