Our impact so far

People supported through the programme

Interventions accessed by people on the programme 

Outcomes achieved by people on the programme 

"Support to Succeed have really helped so much. If you’d have told me in February that I’d be feeling this confident in May, I wouldn’t believe it!"

Edvard Support to Succeed participant

Contact Us 

To find out more about what Working Well: Support to Succeed can offer, please contact one of our team:

Phone: 0161 236 8118

Email: supporttosucceed@gcemployment.uk 

or click here 

Working Well: Support to Succeed is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The city-region's allocation, managed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and delivered by The Growth Company, will provide support for up to 4,500 residents between January 2024 and March 2025.

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