Save the Dates: Refugee Employability Programme Launch Events

  • Monday, August 14, 2023
1200×630 REP GCE Launch Events B1
  • The Growth Company (GC) will deliver the Home Office Refugee Employability Programme (REP) across Yorkshire and the Humber.
  • The programme aims to help refugees into sustained employment through individually tailored support.
  • To mark the launch of the programme, we are hosting several events across the region from 22nd to 31st August.

The Growth Company is hosting a series of events from 22nd to 31st August to mark the launch of the Refugee Employability Programme across Yorkshire and the Humber.

Commissioned by the Home Office, the programme will help refugees into work through tailored employability sessions, English language tuition, vocational training, job application assistance, and community integration support.

The events, which are free to attend, will provide a comprehensive overview of REP, explaining how it will aid refugees, as well as how other stakeholders can participate – including organisations in the voluntary, community, and social enterprise sectors, ESOL providers, local authorities, and refugee support groups.

In addition to a short presentation, there will be plenty of opportunities to speak directly with our team.

Commenting on the events, the Growth Company’s operations director for REP, Alex Howley, said:

“We are committed to helping refugees into sustained employment through the Refugee Employability Programme.

“As part of this commitment, we look forward to working with charities and other organisations to build on the success of our award-winning United for Ukraine initiative and deliver the best possible outcomes for refugees across Yorkshire and the Humber.”

Register to Attend

The events will take place at the following locations, each of which has its own registration page:

            - Unity Centre, Saint Leonard's Road, Eastwood, S65 1PD

            - Cubo Work, Carver Street, Sheffield City Centre, S1 4FS

            - Pinnacle 67, Albion Street, Leeds, LS1 5AA

If you would like to get involved in the Refugee Employability Programme, but are unable to attend any of the events, please contact Alex Howley for further information: alex.howley[at]