Case studies

MC's Mental Health is "the Best it's Been for a Long Time" Thanks to the CFO Activity Hub

MC was referred to the CFO Activity Hub at the start of the year for support around his alcohol consumption. He was also struggling with his mental health and self-confidence, making him anxious about attending the Hub.

How the CFO Activity Hubs Helped CK Break their Negative Cycle

CK was referred to the Hub back in 2023. In the beginning, he struggled to attend any sessions due to ongoing mental health issues. Find out how we helped CK overcome these challenges.

Jane’s Story: “I Love Being Back at Work”

Jane lost her job due to having cancer. Through our Employment Legal Advice service, we helped her get legal advice - which resulted in a successful outcome. With support from our Working Well (Work & Health) programme, we also helped Jane secure a new job.

How the CFO Activity Hub Used Participant's Culinary Talents to Build Social Connections and Create Opportunities

JI was referred in November because his probation practitioner wanted him to receive employment and training support and get involved in activities to develop his social skills. Find out how the Hubs used JI's love of cooking to achieve these goals.

Breaking Barriers: How the CFO Activity Hub Secured Participant's First Job

BC was referred to the Hub in 2022, two years into a Youth Referral Order. Learn how we helped him find his first ever job.

Stephen Reunited with His Family Thanks to the Restart Scheme

A Liverpool man has been reunited with his wife and children after receiving support from the Restart Scheme.

Aarron is Supported by IPES into a Job that Fits His Life Like a Glove

Aarron, based in Hyde, was looking for work. He had been having trouble finding a role that suited him due to multiple complex health conditions and learning difficulties. He was referred to Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES) and this is when things started to change for the better.

The Restart Scheme Helps Scott Build Self-Employment Success

A Rotherham man who was out of work for two years has achieved his dream of being self-employed after the Restart Scheme helped him to set up his own business.

Winning Ways Proves Good Fit for Bryn

Bryn was referred to The Growth Company’s wellbeing services by his probation officer earlier this year. He was finding life difficult following his conviction and needed some support to regain his confidence to access mental health support.

The Restart Scheme Causes a Complete Turnaround for Neil's Business

Neil was referred to the Restart Scheme at the end of 2021. Over the years, he had suffered with mental health issues and many people in his life had let him down. We supported Neil and his business, improving his confidence along the way.

The Restart Scheme Finds Sarah the “Perfect Job” after Just 2 Meetings

Sarah began her journey on the Restart Scheme at our Salford branch. She had been self-employed prior to the pandemic and was keen to continue in a similar role. Find out how we supported her into her ideal career.

Sam Takes First Step on the Career Ladder Thanks to the Restart Scheme

Sam joined the Restart Scheme back in October 2021. After leaving education nine years ago, he became a stay-at-home dad. As a single father to two young children, Sam’s main barrier to work was childcare. With the support of Restart, he took his first steps on the career ladder.